"I am a reader not because I don't have a life but because I choose to have many"

The Similars by Rebecca Hanover - Book review

Is your DNA that makes you unique or your personality? 

Rebecca Hanover explores the answer in her young adult book The Similars.A few years ahead into the future humans are debating whether or not clones deserve the same humans right as theirs "Originals". On this background, Emma's story unfolds. Just going back to school after a dreadful summer, the school year ahead prospects to be an awful one, moreover with the much-talked arrival of the "Similars", a group of six clones, created by a madman. But Emma couldn't care less about them, Oliver, her best friend died over the summer and all she can think about is how to get through her junior year without him. Then she comes face to face with Levi - Oliver's replica and one of the Similars. And as for any other young adult, you can pretty much imagine the rest.

For the whole reading of the book, I felt like it was striving to be a good Young Adult, but kept on lacking in originality. The characters wanted to feel real but remained empty masks, without a real soul, even the bad guys felt like Disney characters. Mostly what was lacking was pathos and better.
characters, and story development. I feel like it could have been a good book but missed its shot.
I liked that it was a pageturner, easy and fast to read, the plot has a general good structure but lacks complexity.
This book is also the first in a series so we'll have to wait for the rest of the books to give our full opinion but for now, it gets a C for trying. 

3/3 Stars

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