"I am a reader not because I don't have a life but because I choose to have many"

giugno 28, 2016

Winner's Curse Trilogy - Review

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Winner's Curse Trilogy

by Marie Rutkoski

This series it's been quite strange to value for me, but let's start with a focus on each book.

While I was reading the first book I kept on asking myself what the hype was all about. It had so many good reviews I started to doubt I was reading the same book as everybody else. I couldn't get it at all.

The story takes place after a long war between the Valorians and Herrani. The Valorians did win the war and brought the Herrani into slavery. 
Several years later, our main character - Kestrel - find herself rooming around a slave auction, following her instinct, she  buys Arin, an Herrani male. What did begin as a master- slave relationship gradually grows into love. But Arin has secrets on his own and when they start to unravel she will have to choose where to stand. 

I did find this first book of the series slow and with so little action, it's all about gossip, politics and balls with pretty dresses. The book it's filled with Jane Austen's romantic drama, what is missing in this book is a good dose of badassery. It's really heavy in the romance but as we enter the second book things start slowly to change.

In The Winner's Crime, the story starts to pick up. If for the first book the best word to decribe it was romance in this is politics.
at the end of the first book we left Kestrel engaged to Valoria's crown prince in exchange for a peace-treaty with the Herrani's land. Kestrel did put herself into a golden prison and there she will have to choose who she wants to protect and trust, she will enter a game of politics and spies.

This second book is more engaging than the first one. First of all the relationship between Kestrel and Arin slips in the background, behind the treason, revenge and betrayal.
I still did feel like the action was lacking, there wasn't a change of setting, we know what is happening in the battlefield but we are never brought there. I would have love a bit of actual fight.
The characters get more complex, our heroine feels more real with her egoistic choice and foolish hopes.

In the final book of the series - The Winner's Kiss- the actions finally comes alive.

Even though Arin tried in anyways to avoid the war, something things are inevitable. War has begun.
Arin  is struggling with his feeling for Kestrel, he feels betrayed, while Kestrel is paying for treason in a prison camp.

Whatever was lacking in the other two books, was put into this one. It was an addictive read, making you read "just one more chapter" to know what was gonna happen. 
All the characters and the world is rounded. I loved to watch the struggle in the relationship between Kestrel and her father, it was well done and felt real.

The last book did save the series for me, I'm happy I pushed through it, still wasn't completely my genre I thought I would have found more fantasy in it.

If it wasn't for the two first books the rating will be much higher but picking up this trilogy as a whole I can only give it 3/5 Stars.

giugno 28, 2016

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) - Review

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by Marissa Meyer

Cinder is the first book in the Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer; as you might have already gasp, by the title and the book cover, it's a retelling of the classic Cinderella fairy tales with a twist. We find our self in a futuristic setting, after the end of the IV World War, peace and alliance had been settling for 126 years on earth - but now a deadly plague ravages the population and from the space, an evil queen threaten to start a war.

The story takes place in the city of New Beijing, under the power of Emperor Rika who rules over the Eastern Commonwealth. Here we get to know the story of Cinder and prince Kaito and who their life will get tangled together.
Cinder is a cyborg and works as a mechanics. She has no memory of her past before falling under the custody of her mean step-mother, Adri. 
Cinder does work hard to bring money for the her family, while being abused by her step mom and sisters, that's something that didn't differ from the original story; even though she does get along well with on of the two sister, Peony. She will cross the charming Prince Kai path, when he comes asking for her help to fix his android - but what did start with a simple mechanical task will bring herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle. 
Caught between what she wants and what she has to do, she will have to undercover secrets from the past in other to protect the future.

It was a light read.
The writing was simple, the story well balanced and paced. I think that the writer didn't do a good job with the world building living a lot of questions unanswered: Who are the Lunar? Why did they come to be on the moon? Why is queen Levana interested in the earth?
So many questions still linger in my head. I would have liked a bit of background; the book focus his attention only on the city of Beijing not even giving you a complex configuration of the it but just an idea. Also the characters, apart from Cinder and Kai whom did have a good complexity, were only sketched out.

It still was an entertaining read and I hope there will more space for all those unanswered questions in the next books. I seems like this is just the beginnings....

3.5/5 stars

giugno 25, 2016

This Savage Song - Review

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This Savage Song

by Victoria Schwab

Victoria Schwab did it again.

I don't know how this woman can build wonderful world and characters, with flawless and addictive writing. Her stories are always well balanced the usual drifting prospective between the characters is well timed and keeps your attention high. It's pure bliss.

The story take place in a distopic-world, where crime and violence are taking the shape of monsters.

  "Monsters, monsters, big and small,
They are gonna come and eat you all.
Corsai, Corsai, tooth and claw,
Shadow and bone will eat you raw.
Machai, Malchai, sharp and sly,
Smile and bite and drink you dry.
Sunai, Sunai, eyes like coal,
Sing you a song and steal your soul."

This first book of the series revolves around Verity City and our two main characters: Kate Harker and August Flynn. They are both the heir of V-city, a city broken in two; on one side Harker's  ruthless father who lets the monsters roam free and makes the humans pay for his protection;  on the other side Flynn's family who believes in fighting for his people freedom and protection. 
Kate wants to prove her father that she is worth him, that she can be as merciless and cold-hearted as him. August who wants to be human, kind and altruistic as his father; but he is a monster.
Their faith will get tangled together, when August will be sent to keep an eye on Kate, who's just enrolled in a new school in North city. When their secrets are out they will have to choose whenever to become friends or enemies, with the destiny of their home at stake.

Schwab's characters are always well rounded and complex, Kate and August are strong with vulnerability that make you empathize with them.

I did love all of Victoria Schwab books I've read, that including Vicious and ADSOM, even though they felt more adult and I did prefer them, I did like this book a lot and I need the sequel. 

I won't give this book a full five stars, but that is just because the other books were a god gift to humanity and this one felt just like a perfectly amazing book lucking that holy vibe. 
4.75/5 stars

Here some curious facts about Victoria Schwab:

giugno 25, 2016

Crimson Bound - Review

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Crimson Bound

by Rosamund Hodge

This book is been so controversial for me, I couldn't get my head clear on loving it or not.

Let's start with what this book is about. The story should be a retelling of Little Red Hood but as in her other book, Rosamund Bound, gets far away from the original story building her own unique universe. 

The heroine and narrator of this story is Rachelle, who carelessly keep on strays from the forest path to meet our "wolf", a forestborn, who will mark her bonding her to die in three days or choosing to become herself one by killing someone. Rachelle decide to live and she will regret her choice throughout the book.
The story twists are all over the place, but I did find them quite predictable. The tension never leaves and the author make you doubt if there's gonna be an happy ending. 
It is clearly the work of a good skilled writer, but I kept on having the feeling that there was something itchy about this book. I think that I just didn't come to like any of the characters, they didn't appeal to me, even though we had a strong complex protagonist I detested all the characters surrounding her. The love relationships were frail and not relatable for me, I would have prefer them to follow another direction.

The negative feelings are just personal it's definitely a good book and I'm sure lots of people will love it! 3.5/5 stars

giugno 24, 2016

Geek Magnet - Review

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Geek Magnet

by Kieran Scott

A funny and quirky read to relax! 
This book it a typical story about highschool drama, it was full of all kinds of clichè super cheesy. But it was so cute making my inside go fluffy, throwing any kind of reason and self control out of my window  tuning me into an overexcited teenager.

The story talk about KJ miller, she is a really nice girl maybe to nice having the Can't Say No Syndrome; thanks to that she draws some geeky undesirables close to her. But the mean girl is gonna teach her how to grow a spine! And there is where the drama began...
Kieran Scott is a good writer making you love even such a simple, predictable book. The structure was really smart, dividing the book in acts, instead of chapters, making it a play; since also the most of the plot revolves around the rehearsal of  Grease.

I did really enjoyed it, it's a good, funny, quick read! 4/5 stars

Here is a little peek into the book:

(KJ Miller is) a genuinely moving heroine. Publisher’s Weekly

Readers will recognize the many-sided issues related to popularity and courage as they are addressed in this clever story about a play that is itself a play. KLIATT

Written in a chatty, chick-lit style, complete with realistic teen-speak. School Library Journal

giugno 24, 2016

Book Jumpers - Review

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Book Jumpers

by Mechthild Gläser

The Book jumpers is a new German bestseller. The story revolves around Amy, a nerdy 17teen year old girl, whom with her mom decide to run, from the love and friends loss, to this weird island at north of Scotland where her mother used to live. There she will discover more about her ancestors and the gift that she has. She will find herself nearest than she could ever expected to the characters of her beloved books. But what did seems like the beginning of a beautiful adventure will soon turn into a dangerous quest when suddenly strange disappearance start to happen...
The plot and the writing style are slow and have flaws at the beginning but they do pick up has the book goes on. The characters are not well introduced, with no psychology, they are presented in a simple and objective way. 
I was expecting a bit more crafting from the writer. It's a book that will probably be loved by young teen for it simple structure.
The overall impression of the book is quite good, I might just be too old for it! 3/5 stars


Book Jumpers è un nuovo bestseller tedesco. La storia ruota attorno a Amy, una ragazza nerd di 17 anni, che con la sua mamma decidono di evadere dalla delusione degli amici e dell'amore scapando sull isola natia della mamma, una sperduta e stranaisola a nord della Scozia. Lì Amy scoprirà più sui suoi antenati e il dono che possiede. Si ritroverà più vicino di quanto si aspettasse ai personaggi dei suoi amati libri. 
Ma ciò sembrava l'inizio di una bella avventura si trasformerà presto in una missione pericolosa quando cominciano ad accadere strane sparizioni...i
All'inizio la trama e lo stile di scrittura sono lenti e elementari, ma migliorano andando avanti. I personaggi sono introdotti solo oggettivamente senza conferirli nessuno spessore psicologico.
Mi aspettavo un po' più di elaborazione di contenuti da parte dell'autore.
come libro credo che piacerà molto a giovani adolescenti appunto per la sua semplicità. L'impressione generale del libro è abbastanza buona, forse sono diventata io troppo vecchia per questo genere di letture! 3/5 stelle
giugno 24, 2016

Six of Crows - Review

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Six of Crows

by Leigh Bardugo

This is one of the books that blows you away with his fantastic characters, flawless writing and thrilling adventures
I had big hopes going into this book, since all the good review I've read, and I was not disappointed.

 The story takes place in Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be brought for the right price and no one knows that better than Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his dreams. But he can't pull it off alone. He will need to recruit some more outcasts from the scum of the Barrell.

It's been a wonderful experience getting into the thievery, scumming, violent world of the Barrell to get our crew of criminals to save the world. 
Each of the characters, of our peculiar team, is well  described and full. I felt in love with all of them in the end, loving more than anyone our crew leader, the despicable, utterly smart and charming, Kaz Brekker.
I dived immediately into this book, thanks to the engaging plot, smart dialogue and exciting twists; everything is crowned with stunning writings. 
Leigh Bardugo is the second writer after Victoria Schwab that had me fangirling so hard on a book. 

It's been pure bliss, I'll definitely recommend it to any reader. Can not wait until September to get my hand on the second book of the series!


Here is the book trailer:

Did anyone read it? What was your favorite character?

giugno 23, 2016

Eleanor & Park - Review

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Rainbow Rowell knows perfectly how to warm your heart, her books are relatable; she is able to make you feel like an insecure teenager all over again.
The story is set in the '80, it brings us in the universe of Eleanor and Park. She is a chubby red-head girl with a  weird sense of fashion and a malfunctional family, she is totally out of luck in her life until she meets Park; he is a nice guy who is getting through high-school without the bullies attentions, having a nice family, living a quiet peaceful existence until he meets Eleanor. Their meeting on the bus will change their lives  forever, they will feel love and loss, they will start figuring out what they are and what they want to be. 
It's a wonderful novel about growth, it's not the typical chick flick story but much more: it's funny, weird and heart warming.

I loved this book, the characters, the romance, the writing it all was well balance and felt so real. If you never read a Rainbow Rowell's book you should start now, she is a master of contemporary!
4.5/5 Stars.

giugno 23, 2016


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Hi, this is my new blog to share with you my book reviews and hear what you think about them.
I'm Giulia I love reading, as you might have noticed, cats and some good old rock music!
I read mostly fantasy, young adult, contemporary novel, some classic if I wanna smart up. I also enjoy going to the movie theater and if a book is going to be turn into a movie there is a high chance I going to read it first.
I'll do a review on every book I'm going to read I would love to hear what are you thoughts on the books.
You can also follow me on my goodreads account: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/41126299-giulia-china.